Enter Stephen

“Stephen, filled with grace and power, was working great wonders and signs among the people.”
Acts 6:8-15

The Holy Spirit filled the hearts and minds of the early followers of Jesus and gave them courage to leave their hiding places and go out and witness to the Risen Jesus. Stephen was one of these early proclaimers of the Gospel. The enemies of Jesus instigated some men to accuse Stephen of blasphemy. He was arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin. Ultimately, he was condemned and stoned to death becoming the first Christian martyr.

Most of us will not be actively persecuted for being a faithful follower of Jesus, but there are millions of Christians throughout the world who live daily with the threat of persecution and death because of their faith. Think Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, China … and the list goes on. In the Western World; however, there is often subtle (and not so subtle) discrimination against those who profess Christian values. Jesus is a threat to our secularized world. Some of us may be called to be “Stephens” – that is to suffer because of our fidelity to Jesus. All faithful Christians; however, will be thought of as strange or out of it or naive or troublemakers …. for speaking the Truth, for witnessing to the Truth! Am I willing – with the grace of God – to be a Stephen?

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